Eggert Family Genealogy

    Johann Diederich Dannenberg

Birth:        9 May 1744 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany
Baptism:      13 May 1744 Hagen, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Hannover, Germany
Death:        20 Nov 1817 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany, age listed as 73y 9m 4d
Burial:       23 Nov 1817 Hagen, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Hannover, Germany
Religion:     Lutheran

Father:    Johann Diederich Dannenberg (*c1714 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1758 ⊙)
Mother:    Catharina Maria Hoffmeyer (*1722 Linsburg, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1789 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany)

Married(1) Catharina Dorothea Backhaus (*c1738 Rodewald, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1792 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany)
	     28 Nov 1765 Hagen, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Hannover, Germany
    1. Johann Friderich Dannenberg (*1766 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1814 ⊙)
    2. Johann Diederich Dannenberg (*1770 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany)

Married(2) Anna Maria Kellermann (*1753 Wendenborstel, Steimbke, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1815 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany)
	     10 Apr 1793 Hagen, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Hannover, Germany
    1. Anna Maria Dorothea Dannenberg (*1794 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1846 Mardorf, Hannover, Germany)
    2. Katharina Dorothea Dannenberg (*1797 Eilvese, Hannover, Germany)

Diedrich, lived in Eilvese Nr. 10 (later address Eilveser Hauptstr. 23). On the site of the original house is now a stall. He was the first child baptized by the new pastor Johann Dietrich Rehling, who served in Hagen from 1744 until his death in 1789.

Taufpaten: 1) Johann Dieder. Danneberg, 2) Diedr. Küpke, 3) Diedr. Jürgen Wegener, 4) Jürgen Dannenberg

Sources: HAGENEV(~1744#19), HAGENEV(⚭1765#19), HAGENEV(⚭1793#3), HAGENEV(✝︎1817#21), MARDF(Page: 13), HAGEN1, EILVESE2(Page: 179), HAGEN2
UUID: 904bc929-5e8f-4ed1-9e7e-ff24f6efea9c
Last changed: 25 Jul 2021