Eggert Family Genealogy

    Leonhard Sebastian

Birth:        1631 Laufen, Berner Gebiet, Switzerland
Death:        Mar 1686 Gommersheim?, Pfalz, Germany

Married	Anna Barbara (*1637 Erlach, Bern, Switzerland ✝︎>1686 Gommersheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    1. Anna Maria Sebastian (*<1651 Laufen, Berner Gebiet, Switzerland ✝︎c1751 Gommersheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Johann Jakob Sebastian (*c1651 ✝︎1702 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    3. Johann Sebastian (*<1661 ✝︎1716 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    4. Hanß Leonhardt Sebastian (*c1662 Böbingen, Pfalz, Germany)

Farrier, blacksmith. He emigrated from Lauffen in Switzerland to Böbingen about 1659, and then in 1663 to Gommersheim. Birth year of 1631 estimated from age listed in the Einwohnerverzeichnis der Gemeinde Gommersheim 1686. A death date of March 1686 is guessed from a donation of 7 fl 80 for prayers for his soul, made 30 March 1736, which could have been the 50th anniversary of his death.

There are no Sebastian surname baptisms in the Catholic church records of Laufen, Basel, Switzerland in the period 1620-1640 inclusive or marriages from 1620-1675. The only Leonhard given name baptisms are for Leonardus Schnell ~1623#6, Leonardus Mayer ~1626#11, Leonardus Schnell ~1630#4, Leonardus Kueni ~1633#28, Leonardus Merkher ~1633#36, Leonardus Feldtshalb ~1633#48, and Leonardus Schneel ~1633#57.

Sources: KIN34, GEINSF(Page: 305), KIN46(ID: 568/952), PFALZEIN
UUID: d880e511-1c67-4132-90e5-d242b8eb4c2b
Last changed: 21 May 2021