Eggert Family Genealogy

    Anna Catharina Luitz

Birth:        24 Jun 1737 Wattenheim, Pfalz, Germany
Baptism:      26 Jun 1737 Hettenleidelheim, Pfalz, Germany
Death:        22 Dec 1790 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany
Religion:     Catholic

Father:    Luca Luitz (⚰︎<1754)
Mother:    Maria Barbara (*c1697 ⚰︎1781 Wattenheim, Pfalz, Germany)

Married	Jakob Schneider (*c1737 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1802 ⊙)
	     26 Feb 1764 Wattenheim, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Nicolaus Schneider (*c1762 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Maria Elisabeth Schneider (*c1767 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany)
    3. Valentin Schneider (*c1771 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1843 ⊙)
    4. Jacob Schneider (*1778 Torschau, Batschka, Hungary)
    5. Johan Caspar Schneider (*1790 Carlsberg, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1791 ⊙)

AFN and GEDBAS give her surname as Rudolph, derived from her death record, which reads: “d. 22tn. Decemb. des Mühlarzt Jacob Schneiders Ehefrau eine geboren. Rudolphin von Rotenbach”, and from the baptism record of her son Johann Caspar, which reads “Frau Catarina, nata Rudolphin von Rothenbach”.

Taufpaten: perhonesta foemina Anna Catharina Lorentzin ex Boland et honesto viro Casparo Hoffmann Sartore Wattenheimense.

Sources: HETTENK(~1737/Jun24), WATTENK(⚭1764/Feb26), CARLSEV(✝︎1790#16), AFN(ID: 1Z9W-19P), FSDH(Batch: M96559-1, Origin: Germany-EASy, Film: 351861), GEDBAS(Database: Mattler-23, ID: 1132571104), FSGT(Batch: C98757-1, Origin: Germany-ODM, Film: 247611)
UUID: 5d1aa7c6-7500-4835-aec9-b7d5d9c5c283
Last changed: 26 Jun 2021