Eggert Family Genealogy

    Johann Daniel Weiß

Birth:        21 Jul 1720 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany
Baptism:      22 Jul 1720 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany
Confirmation: 19 Apr 1737 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany
Death:        5 Apr 1802 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, age listed as 82y
Religion:     Lutheran

Father:    Johann Peter Weiß (*1680 ✝︎1727 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany)
Mother:    Elisabetha Catharina Krug (*1680 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany)

Married	Anna Catharina Friederich (*1716 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany ✝︎1792 ⊙)
	     about 1746 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany
    1. Anna Margaretha Weiß (*1747 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany ✝︎1831 ⊙)
    2. Johann Georg Weiß (*1749 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany ✝︎1810 Mülsen St. Niclas, Sachsen, Germany)
    3. Johann Henrich Weiß (*1752 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany ✝︎1831 ⊙)
    4. Elisabetha Catharina Weiß (*1754 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany)
    5. Anna Elisabetha Weiß (*1756 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany ✝︎1814 ⊙)

Listed in 1741 as a linen weaver apprentice, in 1747 as a property owner in Crumstadt and 1782 as a linen weaver in Crumstadt. He was also a town council head (Gemeindevorsteher) in Crumstadt. Because of the War of the Austrian Succession, there were no marriage entries made in the Crumstadt churchbooks from 1744 to 1750, so his marriage is likely not recorded.

Taufpate: Johann Daniel Wenner ~09.09.1674

WEISS1 gives his death date as 5 Mar 1802. CRUMOFB gives his birthdate as 24 Jul 1720, and the entry in CRUMEV is hard to read.

Sources: CRUMEV(~1720/Jul22/225), CRUMEV(Y1737), CRUMEV(✝︎1802#500), MÜLSENOFB(Page: 761, ID: 3409, Page: 761, ID: 3408), WEISS1, CRUMHB(Page: 197, 206), CRUMOFB(Page: 1037, ID: 4352; Page: 1038, ID: 4356)
UUID: 5e54b107-34ef-4f42-af9b-92e77d393bed
Last changed: 21 Jul 2020