Eggert Family Genealogy

    Sebastian Becker

Birth:        1667
Death:        16 Nov 1737 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany, age listed as 70y
Burial:       Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany
Religion:     Catholic

Married(1) Elisabetha Kramer (✝︎1709 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)
	     16 Feb 1700 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Johann Georg Becker (*1700 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Friedrich Becker (*1703 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    3. Johann Adam Becker (~1706 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1754 ⊙)
    4. Anna Maria Becker (*1709 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)

Married(2) Eva Elisabetha Weber (~1678 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1745 ⊙)
	     20 May 1710 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Johann David Becker (*1711 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1767 ⊙)
    2. Johannes Becker (*1713 Geinsheim, Pfalz, Germany)

From Geinsheim. He was related to his first wife in the fourth degree. He died at age 70.

FSDH and GEINSF give his first marriage date as 6 Feb 1700, and it could also be 8 or 18 Feb, but it appears most likely to be 16 Feb. GEINSF gives his second marriage date as 23 Dec 1710.

Sources: GEINSK(⚭1700/Feb16), GEINSK(⚭1710/May20), GEINSK(✝︎1737/Nov16), KIN34, GEINSF(Page: 52), FSDH(Batch: M99707-3, Origin: Germany-EASy, Film: 367746), FSDH(Batch: M99707-3, Origin: Germany-EASy, Film: 367746), FSTB(Batch: B39692-7, Origin: Germany-EASy, Film: 367746)
UUID: 3f2e74ad-3b3b-4837-b392-6e2aa9e8843e
Last changed: 8 Jul 2021