Eggert Family Genealogy

    Henrich Holste

Birth:        1645
Death:        age listed as 30y
Burial:       1675 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany
Religion:     Lutheran
Occupation:   Miller

Father:    Hinrich Holste ()

Married	Anna Margarethe Holdebrandt (*c1640 ⚰︎1686 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany)
	     1665 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany
    1. Hinrich Johann Holste (~1667 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany ✝︎1733 ⊙)
    2. Johan Curdt Holste (~1669 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany ⚰︎1729 ⊙)
    3. Johann Arend Holste (~1672)

Miller in Altenhagen. His death record calls him a stepson of the miller.

Sources: ALTHGN(⚭1665), ALTHGN(⚰︎1675#3), HAGBG(Page: 34), GREUEL3(ID: p002116), GREUEL1(ID: 10 624)
UUID: fb9295fc-6f9b-47d0-8e7e-5fafa167060a
Last changed: 30 Mar 2023