Eggert Family Genealogy

    Emma Marie Amalia Anna Rewinkel

Birth:        16 Sep 1893 Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States
Baptism:      8 Oct 1893 Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States
Confirmation: 8 Apr 1906 near Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States
Death:        3 Feb 1991 Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, United States, age listed as 97y
Burial:       6 Feb 1991 Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, United States
Religion:     Lutheran

Father:    Johann Christian Friedrich "Fred" Rewinkel (*1846 Langendorf, Hannover, Germany ✝︎1913 near Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States)
Mother:    Margarethe Henriette Anna "Anna" Spannuth (*1858 Franzosenbusch, Cook, Illinois, United States ✝︎1936 Seattle, King, Washington, United States)

Married	Herman August Gustaf Eggert (*1894 near Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States ✝︎1977 Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, United States)
	     15 Feb 1922 Seattle, King, Washington, United States
    1. Ruth Elizabeth Eggert (*near Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States ✝︎Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, United States)
    2. Richard Herman Eggert, R.Ph. (*near Lyons, Burt, Nebraska, United States)

Emma was confirmed at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church near Lyons in 1906. After her father's death, she worked at Emory Clements’ general store in Lyons in the fall of 1913. She followed her mother and sisters to Seattle Washington on 6 July 1917 along with sister Melinda. She worked at her brother-in-law Otto Kammeyer's grocery store in Youngstown, Washington, then as a comptometer operator for the Frederick & Nelson department store in Seattle. She went back to Burt County Nebraska in May 1919. In 1920 she was living with her brother Herman and working as a stenographer. She returned to Seattle in May 1921 and remained there until her marriage. She and Herman lived on the farm where he was born and raised two children there until they moved to Fremont. Emma was active in several church organizations, Extension Club, and served for the Red Cross. After Herman died, Emma continued to live in their home in Fremont, increasingly supported by her daughter Ruth, who lived in town. She kept a garden and played the piano quite well, even composing some of her own music.

Emma is buried in Fremont Memorial Cemetery, Section B, Lot 183, Grave 3.

Sources: MR(Page: 2), EE(Page: 2), CEN1900(Bell Creek Precinct, Burt, Nebraska, ED25, Sheet 7A), CEN1910(Oakland, Burt, Nebraska, ED29, Sheet 17B), CEN1910(Raymond, Knox, Nebraska, ED124, Sheet 7B), CEN1920(Bell Creek Township, Burt, Nebraska, ED25, Sheet 1A), CEN1930(Bell Creek, Burt, Nebraska, ED2, Sheet 1B), CEN1940(Bell Creek Township, Burt, Nebraska, ED11-2, Sheet 4B), CEN1950(Fremont, Dodge, Nebraska, ED27-13, Sheet 27), FYH(Page: 19), ASR(Dates: 16 Sep 1893, 1894, 1896–1900, 1903–1908, 1910–1914, 1918, 1921, 17 Sep 1895, 15 Feb 1922), SFR(Page: 3), JP(Item: I, Page: 7), EFC(Page: 2), REW1, EE2(Page: 1), SSDI(SSN: 506-86-1576), SDG, EGG20, LYONS(Page: 134), CONEL, REW20(Page: 43), WORLDC(Database: mato1, ID: I899), WAMC(ID: 77944), PN, EGG80, SDG2
UUID: 47776fd2-e7fb-41eb-accf-5e12a3b27e90
Last changed: 25 Sep 2024