Eggert Family Genealogy

    Schmaracht Simon Matz

Birth:        4 Sep 1741 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
Baptism:      5 Sep 1741 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
Death:        17 Sep 1778 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
Burial:       18 Sep 1778 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
Religion:     Catholic

Father:    Cyriak Matz (*c1700 ✝︎1764 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
Mother:    Eva Elisabeth Braun (✝︎1751 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)

Married(1) Anna Maria Memmer (*1740 Schwanheim, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1775 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
	     26 Nov 1764 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Johann Adam Matz (*1765 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Barbara Matz (*1767 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1768 ⊙)
    3. Anna Elisabetha Matz (*1769 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
    4. Johann Michael Matz (*1771 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
    5. Johann Jakob Matz (*1774 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1811/1828)

Married(2) Christine Oswald (*1754 Völkersweiler, Pfalz, Germany)
	     27 Nov 1775 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Peter Matz (*1777 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1777 ⊙)
    2. Maria Eva Matz (*1778 Gossersweiler, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1778 ⊙)

In the 1767er Renovation über die dem Stifft Clingenmünster und respect. Kellerey Pleysweiller Bodenzinnsenliste he is listed as owning 5 Morgen of fields, less than 1 Morgen of meadow, 1 Morgen of bush, and 23 Ruthen about the house, all in Gossersweiler.

Taufpaten: Simone Rathe et Margareta Hammer

Sources: GOSSK(*1741/Sep4), GOSSK(✝︎1778/Sep17), FSGT(Batch: C98521-1, Origin: Germany-ODM, Film: 400448), FSDH(Batch: M98521-4, Origin: Germany-ODM, Film: 400452), FSDH(Batch: M98521-4, Origin: Germany-ODM, Film: 400452), GOSS(Page: 103), GOSS2(Page: 157)
UUID: 5bfe0ad5-56b4-4447-8b03-422cb803685b
Last changed: 1 Jan 2019