Eggert Family Genealogy

    Babette Hermine Schmidt

Birth:        30 Jan 1849 Mülsen St. Niclas, Sachsen, Germany
Baptism:      4 Feb 1849 Mülsen St. Niclas, Sachsen, Germany
Emigration:   4 Apr 1872
Death:        22 Jan 1910 near Ord, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Burial:       Ord, Valley, Nebraska, United States
Religion:     Evangelical

Father:    Christian Friedrich Schmidt (*Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany)
Mother:    Johanna Friederike Schubert (*1810 Mülsen St. Niclas, Sachsen, Germany)

Married	Charles A Hackel (*1847 Sachsen, Germany ✝︎1893 Vinita, Craig, Indian Territory, United States)
    1. Mary Anna Hackel (*1872 near Pentwater?, Oceana, Michigan, United States ✝︎1966 Grand Island, Hall, Nebraska, United States)
    2. Bernhard Richard "Ben" Hackel (*1873 near Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States ✝︎1955 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, United States)
    3. Charles Emil Hackel (*1875 Long Island Township, Phillips, Kansas, United States ✝︎1916 Harrisonville, Cass, Missouri, United States)
    4. Luise Hackel (*1877 Long Island Township, Phillips, Kansas, United States ✝︎1959 Scotia, Greeley, Nebraska, United States)
    5. Eda Hackel (*1878 Long Island Township, Phillips, Kansas, United States ✝︎1948 Bismarck, Burleigh, North Dakota, United States)
    6. Katie Hackel (*1879 Walnut Township, Phillips, Kansas, United States ✝︎1974 Valley, Nebraska, United States)
    7. Hackel (*1879 Walnut Township, Phillips, Kansas, United States ⚰︎1880 Myrtle, Phillips, Kansas, United States)
    8. William Frederick Hackel (*1885 Valley, Nebraska, United States ✝︎1919 Ord, Valley, Nebraska, United States)
    9. Edward Otto Hackel (*1886 Ord, Valley, Nebraska, United States ✝︎1979 ⊙)
   10. Frank Joseph Hackel (*1889 Ord, Valley, Nebraska, United States ✝︎1952 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United States)

Also known as Bettie, Betty, Barbette, Becca, or Barbara. She came to the US under her maiden name with Carl Hackel in 1872. She was a spirited woman with hight mental and moral qualities, a good wife and mother, holding the affection of her children and winning the esteem of her neighbors. In 1904 she owned the northeast quarter of section 26 and the northeast quarter of section 35, and leased the south half of the northwest quarter of section 36, all in Vinton township, Valley County. She died after gall bladder surgery, and was buried in the Mira Valley Cemetery, then was moved to the Ord Cemetery in the mid 1950s. She was a member of the Salem Evangelical Church.

Taufpaten: 1. Ludwigin, Fr. Johanne, Gothilf Ludwigs, gewesn. Guthsbes. in Jacob hint. Wwe., 2. Neubert, Friedrich, Sixfw.[?] u Juv. Mstr Friedrich Nueberts, ansäß gewesn Hufschmidts in Stangendorf htl. ehel. jüngster Sohn, 3. Trögerin, Jgfr. Johanne Christiane Wilhelmine, Carl Friedrich Trögers, Guthsbesitzers u. Gemeinderathsmitglieds ehl. älteste Tocht.

1880 census gives her age as 29. OQ2 gives her birthdate as 29 Jan 1841. H gives her birthdate as 23 Jan 1849.

Sources: H(Page: 3–5), NYPL0(S.S. Smidt, 4 Apr 1872), CEN1875KS(Long Island, Phillips, Kansas, Page 8), CEN1880(Walnut, Phillips, Kansas, ED221, Page 18, Sheet 81D), CEN1885NE(Vinton, Valley, Nebraska, ED 758, Page 39A), CEN1900(Vinton Township, Valley, Nebraska, ED201, Sheet 6B), OA85(Page: 2), VCC, VNEP, VCGS1(Page: 1), OQ2, VNEM, VOV(Page: 135), GTA(Volume: 26, Page: 326), VNEC, STNICLAS1, VNEPL, CG(ID: 5559536), FINDAGRAVE(ID: 160328073)
UUID: ee1bab34-7e44-42ae-ae49-379217b8b78a
Last changed: 9 Nov 2020