Eggert Family Genealogy

    Johan Hildebrandt

Birth:        about 1596
Death:        age listed as 79y
Burial:       1675 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany

    1. Otto Holdebrandt (✝︎>1667)
    2. Anna Margarethe Holdebrandt (*c1640 ⚰︎1686 Altenhagen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany)

Kötter (cottager) in Altenhagen. In 1639 he submitted the Verzeichnis der Einwohner von Altenhagen und Großenheidorn und ihres Vermögens (list of residents of Altenhagen and Großenheidorn and their assets) to the government in Bückeburg. He is listed as having two horses, one cow, one pig, 5 units of rye, 1 of barley, and 2 of oats.

Sources: ALTHGN(~1669#13 (grandson Johan Curdt Holste)), ALTHGN(⚰︎1675#8), ALTHGN1639(Page: 2)
UUID: e02e3d68-d049-4146-b19b-2c5bbf64e54d
Last changed: 11 Jan 2024