Eggert Family Genealogy

    Younis Husni

Death:        before 1909

Married	Naylie Mossuoh (✝︎>1917)
    1. Ameen Younes Husni (*1871 Homs, Syria ✝︎1959 Holmdel, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States)
    2. Najeeb Younes Husni (✝︎>1912 Syria)
    3. Khanom Husni (*1878 ✝︎<1940)
    4. Saleem Younis Husni (*1881 Homs, Syria ✝︎1954 North Bergen, Hudson, New Jersey, United States)
    5. Ned Y Husney (*1886 Syria ✝︎1974 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States)
    6. Aziz Younis (Louie) Husni (*1891 Homs, Syria ✝︎1978 Union City, Hudson, New Jersey, United States)
    7. Azeeza Husni (*c1891 Homs, Syria)

Younis was known as the Englishman (Al Englisee), maybe because he was the one who converted to Protestantism and was in contact with with the American missionaries who established the Presbyterian Churches in Syria and Lebanon in the middle of the 19th century. He is presumed to have died by 1909, as his son Aziz gave his mother's name as his next of kin on his passage to America in that year.

The Allentown Hosni family spells their surname (حصني) [hsny, with a stronger pharyngealized s (saad)]. This comes from the Arabic word hsn (حصن), meaning fortress or citadel. This word is used in the Arabic name for the Krak des Chevaliers (حصن الفرسان‎‎), a Crusader castle near Homs.

Husni in principle could also be written (حسني) [also hsny, but with the weaker s (siin)], but no one in Homs spells it that way. This comes from the Arabic word hsn (حسن), meaning beauty, excellence, goodness.

Sources: HUS2, HUS7, EIR, HUS75
UUID: da4c1b85-708b-4eac-af7e-256ee4ee1192
Last changed: 3 Jul 2022