Death: before 1909 Married Naylie Mossuoh (✝︎>1917) Children: 1. Ameen Younes Husni (*1871 Homs, Syria ✝︎1959 Holmdel, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States) 2. Najeeb Younes Husni (✝︎>1912 Syria) 3. Khanom Husni (*1878 ✝︎<1940) 4. Saleem Younis Husni (*1881 Homs, Syria ✝︎1954 North Bergen, Hudson, New Jersey, United States) 5. Ned Y Husney (*1886 Syria ✝︎1974 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States) 6. Aziz Younis (Louie) Husni (*1891 Homs, Syria ✝︎1978 Union City, Hudson, New Jersey, United States) 7. Azeeza Husni (*c1891 Homs, Syria)Notes:
The Allentown Hosni family spells their surname (حصني) [hsny, with a stronger pharyngealized s (saad)]. This comes from the Arabic word hsn (حصن), meaning fortress or citadel. This word is used in the Arabic name for the Krak des Chevaliers (حصن الفرسان), a Crusader castle near Homs.
Husni in principle could also be written (حسني) [also hsny, but with the weaker s (siin)], but no one in Homs spells it that way. This comes from the Arabic word hsn (حسن), meaning beauty, excellence, goodness.
Sources: HUS2, HUS7, EIR, HUS75
UUID: da4c1b85-708b-4eac-af7e-256ee4ee1192
Last changed: 3 Jul 2022