Eggert Family Genealogy

    Carl Gottfried Schmidt

Birth:        14 Aug 1790 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany
Baptism:      16 Aug 1790 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany
Death:        28 Aug 1819 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany
Religion:     Lutheran

Father:    Johann Gotthilf Schmidt (*1760 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany ✝︎>1808)
Mother:    Maria Rosina Francke (*1762 Bernsdorf, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Germany ✝︎1799 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany)

Married	Johanna Sibylla Vettermann (*1797 Mülsen St. Niclas, Sachsen, Germany ✝︎1866 Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany)
    1. Christian Friedrich Schmidt (*Mülsen St. Jacob, Sachsen, Germany)

He bought his father's farm in Mülsen St. Jacob Nr. 111 for 2000 Gulden on 15 Feb 1812. This farm was a Pferdefrongut, which meant that its owner was required to deliver services with a horse (plowing, etc.) for the local nobility.

Sources: STNICLAS1, MÜLSENOFB(Page: 555, ID: 2526.3)
UUID: 1e4d207f-bcd7-4912-b1c4-1f966b73e8e9
Last changed: 17 Jul 2012