Eggert Family Genealogy

    Quirin Weiß

Birth:        about 1590
Death:        age listed as 78y
Burial:       22 Aug 1668 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany
Religion:     Lutheran

Father:    Henrich Weiß (*c1550 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany)

    1. Hans Henrich Weiß (*c1610 Crumstadt, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany)

Lived in Crumstadt about 1600. He appears in the Buchtum Erbleihvertrag of 1617 as Kirem Weiß, in the Schadensverzeichnis von Mansfeld of 1622 as Cirin Weiß, and in his burial record as Christophorus Weiß. His funeral sermon text was 2 Tim 4:6 “Denn ich werde schon geopfert, und die Zeit meines Abschiedens ist vorhanden.” (For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come.)

CRUMOFB gives his death date as 06.08.1668.

Sources: CRUMEV(⚰︎1668/Aug22), WEISS2, CRUMHB(Page: 145), CRUMOFB(Page: 1034, ID: 4345)
UUID: ed19f003-591f-4d1a-970d-0fdab91e1a0e
Last changed: 26 Jul 2021