Eggert Family Genealogy

    Johannes Ullmer

Birth:        11 Jul 1879 Offenbach an der Queich, Pfalz, Germany
Baptism:      13 Jul 1879 Offenbach an der Queich, Pfalz, Germany
Death:        21 Nov 1913 Ludwigshafen, Pfalz, Germany, age listed as 34y
Burial:       23 Nov 1913 Weingarten, Pfalz, Germany
Religion:     Catholic

Father:    Daniel Ullmer (*1838 Offenbach an der Queich, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1909 ⊙)
Mother:    Barbara Hilzendegen (*1843 Offenbach an der Queich, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1914 ⊙)

Married	Barbara Kindler (*1885 Weingarten, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1963 Lingenfeld, Pfalz, Germany)
	     19 Oct 1911 Weingarten, Pfalz, Germany
    1. Johann Wilhelm Ullmer (*1912 Weingarten, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1973 Germersheim, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Maria Hildegard Ullmer (*1913 Weingarten, Pfalz, Germany ✝︎1980 Lingenfeld, Pfalz, Germany)

While employed by the construction firm Friedrich Stauch, Johannes Ullmer was working at the new purification facility in the city gas works in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. While he was flooring one level of the building, a plank fell, and when he tried to catch it, he lost his balance and fell headlong from a platform about three or four meters into the room below. He hit an iron rail, was taken to the city hospital with severe injuries, and died during the night.

Taufpaten: Joannes Hilzendegen, Elisabetha Faath

Testibus: Jacobo Kindler, Jacobo Ullmer

SCH says he died in a fall off a church steeple in Ludwigshafen during construction work. SCH gives his birthdate as 11 Jul 1873.

Sources: OFFBCH(~1879#40), WEING(⚭1911#7), WEING(✝︎1913#6), SCH(Page: 2), KIN2, KIN5, HUS6, PFÄLZPOST, ULLM13, ULLM15
UUID: 18b90c55-e266-4a1c-b868-0765569569f5
Last changed: 1 Nov 2023